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High Demand Event.

Compare MATCH 18 - Concacaf 5 vs Chile Football tickets here at SafeTicketCompare.com to get the best deal from the safest resale platforms. Find Copa America MATCH 18 - Concacaf 5 vs Chile tickets in Orlando, Florida at Exploria Stadium on 29 Jun 24.

Guaranteed Tickets

All MATCH 18 - Concacaf 5 vs Chile tickets are guaranteed by the SafeTicketCompare suppliers for Copa America events at Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida.* Please note that dates are subject to change.


Event: MATCH 18 - Concacaf 5 vs Chile

Competition: Copa America

Date: Saturday 29th Jun 2024

Venue: Exploria Stadium, Orlando, Florida

Ticket Types and Locations
Choose Shortside tickets for seats positioned behind the goal, offering fans the most popular area in the stadium. Experience the excitement and atmopshere of being behind the goal.
Longside tickets are for seat positioned alongside the pitch. These tickets typically provide superior views of the event, often reflected in the price.
Upper Tier
Located in the higher sections of the stadium.
Lower Tier
Tickets are located in the lowest sections of the stadium. Closer views of the event.

MATCH 18 – Concacaf 5 vs Chile Football Tickets

  1. Select tickets from the options above.
  2. Select the number of tickets in Exploria Stadium.
  3. Choose the desired ticket type.
  4. Enter payment details.
  5. Pay and confirm your tickets for MATCH 18 – Concacaf 5 vs Chile Match 18 game.
  6. Tickets will be delivered approximately 7-10 days before the game.

From Outside Florida

For international visitors, tickets for most events are digital E-Tickets delivered via Email/Mobile Transfer. Full details will be provided before the game. Enter your contact details for timely delivery.

SafeTicketCompare.com offers Football tickets for all Copa America games involving A4 Match 18 . All tickets are guaranteed in pairs unless stated otherwise. Telephone booking fees apply. Purchase directly online for the best prices. For Chile fans, purchase tickets in the designated away section of Exploria Stadium. To sell tickets for A4 vs Chile, use the contact form.

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